Story of a girl who desires to be tech savvy in a modern world.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Sweet Justice

My husband is a creature of habit, rarely straying from his daily routine. When he comes home from work, the first thing he does is peel off his work uniform. Wait - let me back up. FIRST, he takes his wallet out of his pants, puts it on top of the dresser, then takes off his security badge and puts it on top of the wallet. ALWAYS!

5:30AM - his ETD for work, I'm still in bed, but am half-awake, listening to him prepare to leave, waiting for my good-bye kiss. I hear more rustling of objects than usual... then, a few cuss words. *SIGH* Okay, apparently there's a crisis afoot. The overhead light snaps on (more cussing) and I finally come to, calmly asking, "What's wrong?" "CAN'T FIND MY BADGE!!!"
OK - that's a big deal. He's tearing apart all the crap on top of his dresser, frantic! I, to no avail, am trying to help. "IT'S ALWAYS ON TOP OF MY WALLET!" Translation: You must have moved it! Now, I remember dusting the top of that dresser drawer yesterday, seeing the wallet, and NOT seeing any badge on top of it. It simply wasn't there. I, of course, attempt to tell him this in his state of frenzy, but nothing is helping. "I CAN'T EVEN GET INTO THE BUILDING WITHOUT IT!!!" Now, he's on his knees, trying to look underneath the dresser drawer. "I THINK I HEARD SOMETHING FALL!!!" Now I'M on the floor looking. We see nothing. I'm exasperated, because I'm now thinking that somehow, this is all going to be MY fault! I start digging through the hamper, checking worn shirts from last week to see if the badge is still clipped on. I suggested he check his coat pocket??? I DUNNO?!?!?!?!?! He storms down the hall, ripipng through his coat pockets... then cheerily announces, "HERE IT IS!!!! O yea, I took it off when I went to my doctor's appointment and put it in my pocket!"

After all this commotion, he remembers to come back and give me my good-bye kiss. I oblige, and look forward to our phone conversation when he has to 'come clean' and admit that I had absolutely nothing to do w/this one. Yep... aaaaaaaall his doing! Thank YOU! And now, I am going to commence with MY morning routine, hopefully in a more calm manner!


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