Story of a girl who desires to be tech savvy in a modern world.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

...For my friend, Jujetta...

('Cuz I know you would've enjoyed such an observation...)

At a party on Saturday evening (first time out for me & my husband in eons!), I bellied up to the bar and soaked in everything going on around me. I took particular delight in the discussion taking place between "the guys." It was quite amusing... especially at one point:

Our host, Jack Daniels (no kidding - that was the guy's name!) made a point of finding out where he had left his drink. Upon finding it, he returned to his discussion with my husband, who asked, "What are you drinking?" Jack answers, "Champagne!" To which my husband responds, "Aaahhh... you like the 'Champipple!' and chuckles to himself. Not knowing my husband all too well, nor what he was even talking about, Jack thinks that Dan is asking for a specific brand, year, what-have-you of champagne or wine. Nervously giggling, he looks at Dan and says, "Uh, n-n-o-o-o-o... don't have that one... but I DO have a Chateau d'eau vin meaureaumont (something-or-other-blah-blah-blah) if you want. I can get that out?!?!?" hoping he can appease my "conniseur of wine" husband. . . NOT! (he's a pure Bud-man!). Much to Jack's relief, Dan 'fesses up, "No. . . CHAMPIPPLE! Part champagne, part Ripple... you know, from Sanford & Son!!!" Relieved that he didn't fail to come through for a fellow fine-wine lover, Jack immediately loses it, recognizing the line from the sitcom. The whole gaggle of men proceed to bust chops with laughter. Dan, going even further, with his Woody (Aunt Esther's husband) impersonation, "Now Fr-r-r-r-e-e-e-e-d... you know I don't drink..."

Wished you were there to share. Soon...


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